Are you moving out and need an end of lease pest control treatment? Jim’s can help. Our techs servicing Tasmania are experienced, fully trained, licensed, and insured. You can trust the Jim’s name to help you with any pest problem.
To get in touch with us, simply call 131 546 and our friendly staff will take your details.
The hardest part of moving is organising the cleaning and end of lease pest treatments. There are many companies that offer these services, but not all are qualified to do so.
It is extremely important when engaging a service provider that they have the appropriate licence and insurances. Many people out there do not possess licenses, and this can cause you problems.
If your real estate agent finds out that they are not licensed, they can make you get the property treated again. Even worse, they may choose to use their own pest control provider and take the cost out of your bond.

Jim’s is your end of lease pest control specialists
Jim’s Pest Control has been around since 2010. In that time, we have performed tens of thousands of end of lease treatments.
Clients love the fact that when they engage our services, we can get the job done quickly. For those urgent jobs, we even have our famous same day guarantee.
This is available to clients who ring our call centre before 11am in the morning. Providing techs are not fully booked, we are generally able to accommodate these requests.
If you call after 11am it may not be possible to get the service done the same day. When this happens, it is likely to have the treatment done in the following days.

Treatment receipt can be sent electronically
Technology has made it even easier to service our clients. These days if we have the access to the home or unit, we will be able to perform the end of lease treatment without your presence.
Once the treatment is complete the tech will contact you regarding payment. You can make an electronic payment, or pay with a credit card over the phone.
When payment is received the receipt can be emailed to you. This allows you to provide the receipt easily to your real estate agent.
The receipt will have our contact details and pest control license number on it.
If for some reason you lose the receipt or misplace it, do not worry as we will have a copy on file.
Discounts for regular end of lease customers
When you receive the contact details of your local technician, it is a great idea to save it into your phone. That way when you move again, you will be able to contact them easily.
Some technicians may even offer discounts for those regular clients that call them direct.